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The cultivation of garlic bulbils

Published on 27/11/2021

The advantage of bulbils is the high yield for the price, as well as the absence of soil-borne diseases. A great way to regenerate a strain! And cultivate your patience, because it will take between 2 and 4 years before you have bulbs of the same size as with planting cloves.

When choosing the location, remember that the first year of growth, the bulbil foliage looks like blades of grass.

Cultivation can be done in the ground or in buried pots.

First season

Sow in the fall (about a month before frost) about an inch deep and spacing in rich, well-drained soil. Cover with a mulch of shredded leaves.

Weed and water during the growing season.

When the foliage begins to turn yellow (July-August), dig up the round bulbs and dry in the shade. If they do not turn yellow: leave them in place.

Second season

Replant according to their size. Smaller ones can be put back to 1 inch deep and spacing while the larger ones can be 5-10 cm apart. Cover with a mulch of shredded leaves.

Weed and water during the growing season.

When they start to turn yellow (July-August), dig up and dry in the shade, Some bulbils will have become cloves of good caliber!

Dry in the shade and store in paper bags.

Consume or grow another year to get larger bulbs by spacing cloves 12 to 15 cm between plants, 50 to 75 cm between rows, 5 to 7.5 cm deep. Or staggered, 15 cm apart.

Note that we offer bulbils of different varieties in the fall.